Company - Jobs
Diesel Mecanica is always looking for employees with a passion for the marine world in general, and for marine engines in particular. So, if you are ready to improve your skills, and are willing to get to know all about Caterpillar engines, than applying for a job at Diesel Mecanica could be the right thing for you to do!
As a mechanic of Diesel Mecanica you must have a passion for engines. Besides that you should be eager to assist our clients quickly and professionally. Diesel Mecanica provides support to our clients wherever and whenever it is necessary. So you should also be prepared for adventures abroad many times.
Our company provides it clients fast services, this requires flexibility from our mechanics and other employees. Completing a project on time is very important in the marine world, therefore our working times are flexible. In general you never know in the morning what your day will be like. Even, sometimes you don't know where you will end the day!
When your work at Diesel Mecanica you must have a passion for marine engines. Besides that our employees are also eager to help clients quickly and professionally. We give support to our clients wherever it is needed, which for many times is abroad.
If you want to apply for a job at Diesel Mecanica send to us by e-mail: a complete CV, plus a well written motivation letter.